Your Support Team
Boost agent efficiency and accuracy with AI-powered suggestions and real-time assistance.
AI-Powered Assistance
for Support Excellence
Provide real-time assistance to your support team. Analyze conversation context to offer relevant information, recommended actions, and pre-written responses. Help agents handle a wide range of inquiries more efficiently and consistently.
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Discover how to leverage AI for more efficient customer support:
Guide Users to Self-Serve Resources on Your Website
Guide customers to self-help answers using automated responses
Prioritize Urgent Complaints That Have Negative Sentiment
Identify and escalate critical customer issues efficiently
Collect and Catalog Feedback for Your Brand
Centralize customer feedback from multiple channels
start today
Our commitment to outstanding customer support is an obsession.
One-click integrations
start using aide with your existing Zendesk and Front help desks
Guided implementation
Our team will help you build a successful automation strategy