Your Support Team

Boost agent efficiency and accuracy with AI-powered suggestions and real-time assistance.

Boost team

Accelerate your team with AI assistance

Aide automatically identifies the topic of incoming tickets and surfaces relevant guidance to agents.
This reduces the time agents spend figuring out context and provides them with tailored recommendations.

Frequently asked questions

How does Aide's Agent Panel assist support agents?

Aide's Agent Panel automatically identifies the topic of incoming tickets and surfaces relevant guidance to agents, reducing the time spent figuring out context and providing tailored recommendations.

Can Aide generate responses for agents?

Yes, Aide can suggest responses to agents by analyzing previous similar tickets or help articles, allowing agents to tap into existing knowledge rather than starting from scratch.

How does Aide ensure consistency in customer support?

Aide centralizes your knowledge base into one location for easy agent access, ensuring that every agent handles issues uniformly and compliantly by following defined Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

start today

Our commitment to outstanding customer support is an obsession.

One-click integrations

start using aide with your existing Zendesk and Front help desks

Guided implementation

Our team will help you build a successful automation strategy

AI-Powered Assistance
for Support Excellence

Provide real-time assistance to your support team. Analyze conversation context to offer relevant information, recommended actions, and pre-written responses. Help agents handle a wide range of inquiries more efficiently and consistently.

start today

Our commitment to outstanding customer support is an obsession.

One-click integrations

start using aide with your existing Zendesk and Front help desks

Guided implementation

Our team will help you build a successful automation strategy