repetitive workflows
Clear processes? Save time with conditional automation
Aide detects automatable issues and lets you build workflows to automatically handle them based on customer data.
This frees up agents to focus on complex issues.
Get an automation blueprint
Aide analyzes all your historical conversations to identify automatable issues to creating a blueprint ranking topics by volume and complexity so you can prioritize automating high-impact repetitive work.
Conditional workflows
Aide builds workflows triggered by customer data like ticket fields, so the right automation is applied based on each unique case.
Set up actions like routing and tagging
Create macros for each topic to automatically route tickets, set tags, and connects your tools with APIs to create seamless workflows across systems.
Frequently asked questions
How does Aide identify automatable issues?
Aide analyzes your historical conversations to identify automatable issues, creating a blueprint that ranks topics by volume and complexity.
Can Aide's workflows be customized based on specific customer data?
Yes, Aide builds conditional workflows triggered by customer data like ticket fields, ensuring the right automation is applied based on each unique case.
What kind of actions can be automated with Aide's workflows?
Aide allows you to set up various actions including routing tickets, setting tags, and connecting with other tools via APIs to create seamless workflows across systems.
Our commitment to outstanding customer support is an obsession.
One-click integrations
start using aide with your existing Zendesk and Front help desks
Guided implementation
Our team will help you build a successful automation strategy